The House
My new website will have a great deal of interesting information, set out A-Z, including:
- Archaeological reports on the water and waste management systems of both the 1681 and 1732 house, the first such reports in London;
- English Heritage Paint Laboratory survey showing all the paint colours back to 1732;
- An English Heritage survey of the ‘hidden rooms’ discovered in the rear attic and images of how we found them;
- A-Z images of all the initial restoration works over two years and the work that followed;
- A live video of master joiner Peter Maynard demonstrating how to repair split panelling taken during a visit by conservation officers from Camden, Westminster and English Heritage. Peter worked here for two years during the restorations;
- The history of Benford O’Shea at 68DS (1869-1983), the most famous London suppliers to the horological trade with images of their occupation.